As you enter City Real Estate you are greeted warmly with a group of realtors that have the capability to handle any real situation. My realtor selection ws Amelia Valdez. Her credentials reminded me of an individual in real estate in years gone by. As you enter her office, sitting on a left side shelf is a small plaque with the word "Angel." From the initial meeting thru final sale preparation, she was a guardian Angel to me. Her knowledge, expertise, compassion, and lending an ear when you need to talk are available to you at any time day or night.
During my real esate listing she had welcomed a new grand baby into the family and is busy making Ennis a better community by remodeling a home near by into a Bed and Breakfast. It will be very inviting to individuals visiting the city.
I sincerely thank her for all her efforts to make my sale a very smooth process, and as the small plaque in her office with "Angel" upon it can never be taken away from her.
~D. Haltmar